Ease Into CRUSHING University This Year
Why Procrastinating Students Need To Fix The Problem A.S.A.P.
Written by Griffin A. Hamilton on January 30, 2022
Time And Money - Wasting Valuable Currency For Your Best Life

If you're a university student or family sponsoring a student's education, you know university class isn't cheap.  Now it CAN be very valuable, but whether or not you get a return on that investment is really dependent on the success of the student.

Just to make sure we get some accurate accounting of the situation in terms of dollars, let's make sure we're considering ALL of the costs.

Try adding these up:

•  Tuition cost  (the obvious one)

•  Textbooks, living expenses

•  Professional / networking events, conferences, internships

•  The least obvious one -- OPPORTUNITY COST -- how much could a student be earning by WORKING full-time instead?  (with a lot of jobs being in high demand right now in North America in 2022... add at least $30,000 a year with hard work).

•  The interest on all of the money being spent that could be saved if put into other investments.

+  Add it all up...

That's About How Much Money Could Be WASTED The Education Being Paid For Isn't Being Optimized To Its Fullest

... And that's not even considering how bad grades might look to future employers or other educational opportunities.  YIKES!  

The Bottom Line Is...

You Need To Get A Return On Investment Here -- And Every Day Wasted Is A Day Work Isn't Being Done Efficiently... And Bad Grades Are Piling Up -- Lowering The Value Of The Return.
Procrastination - A Problem That Goes Beyond University Alone & Follows You Into Every Area Of Your Life

Let's say you decide school isn't for you.  You move onto another job, go somewhere else in life.

You still have to deal with that INTERNAL PROBLEM.  Procrastination, self-sabotage, the inability to have LONG-TERM FOCUS on your goals and dreams will eventually add up and cause a serious problem if you don't deal with it now.

Maybe you can go find a job which is relatively simple.  You show up... you do work... you put in the time... it might not be very rewarding or exactly what you want to do... but you can stick it out there and "get by".

You're likely to have other dreams, but you won't have developed that ability to overcome the obstacles necessary to put in the serious work to be a high-performer and make those dreams a reality unless you make a conscious effort to get that done... and become the PERSON who actually achieves good results in whatever you do.

There is an old adage I find holds some truth to it...

"The Way You Do One Thing Is The Way You Do Everything"

If you're a student, you've probably decided to take the courses you are taking now for a REASON.  This is PROBABLY something you really want to do.  (But if you are feeling a disconnect and you are not sure, you are still welcome to contact me and we can talk about that, because there may be a slightly different way to solve your problem than for others, and it might not be too late for things to turn out well for you).

At the heart of the matter, to put it simply, you can solve this problem now or it can eat at you later.  I'm willing to bet, dollars to doughnuts, that if you're procrastinating on things or simply unable to focus in one area of life, this is showing up in other areas as well.  Which of those things really makes the most sense in the long run?

There is an effect I've noticed, which can occur at any point in your university career.  It can start in the beginning of a semester (where it is easiest to notice) with a single course that is taken as a part of your curriculum, or a set.

What happens in a single semester looks something like the following:

1.  For any number of different reasons, you start to get behind on your work at some point during the semester.

2.  At first, it isn't really an issue, but then it begins to pile up.

3.  You begin to have some anxiety about the amount of work that has piled up, or classes you may have missed, readings you haven't done, and become more and more anxious about how much work you have to do to catch up -- becoming MORE  and MORE likely to procrastinate!

4.  This increased likelihood of procrastination just makes it so amazingly difficult to get work done, that you complete assignments and study for exams, the FEAR motivating you to ONLY  do work, often, at the VERY LAST MINUTE and thus your results turn out FAR worse than they could have been.

How This Plays Out Over Your University Career

For many degrees, missing key foundational knowledge in early parts of your career or semesters is likely to impact knowledge in later semesters and later years.  I will always remember how classes I'd taken in accounting, economics, marketing, and/or finance were interconnected and would build on each other.  At the very least it would require me to brush up on any concepts which hadn't been fully integrated previously during the next semester which would take more time and make the process of learning less efficient, compounding the issue.

The Problem At A Psychological Level:  SELF IDENTITY / SELF-CONCEPT

A big reason it's important to deal with the problem sooner rather than later, is once procrastination / lack of getting the work done well or on time for ANY reason becomes a pattern over time, this becomes a part of the identity.  The concept of "I am a procrastinator" or "I don't do a good job on my work," or, "I am irresponsible," or "I am my own worst enemy" can become a very challenging thing to change over time.

Many people in the space of self-help, NLP, & various coaching disciplines recognize the power of identity / self-concept / self-image as something which we will seem to automatically adhere to no matter what because it is deeply ingrained into the subconscious mind, which is why I help clients illuminate the stories & programming contained in the subconscious mind (connected to our identity) and change them.  The sooner you can systematically engineer this change in your life, the sooner you can build momentum by beginning to identify as someone capable of making the necessary change and transformation; and further come into the identity of who you need to be to achieve the results you need to live the life you want.

But ultimately I know that it's got to be a choice you want to make if you've had it with the results you've been getting.  Only you can decide that enough is enough and if you are a good fit, we can see if you're someone I can help by applying the techniques that have made such a difference in my life after having experienced these same problems years before.  How I see myself now is night-and-day; allowing me to approach my work from a place of actual inner motivation I cultivated and aligned with systematically & strategically, making the process far easier than how I used to fight against myself through my university years.

That fighting against myself unconsciously, relying on constantly-draining willpower & inefficient use of force (the way most are advised to overcome these sorts of issues) wan un-necessary struggle I'd like to save as many people from as possible).

Griffin A. Hamilton

Griffin A. Hamilton helps post-secondary students struggling with issues like ADD, ADHD, procrastination, self-sabotage, and lack of self motivation and self-discipline who struggle to get the work done turn around their academic careers and earn higher grades.  He is an expert at helping students efficiently organize and execute on their workload, plan effectively, overcome their mental blocks, and legitimately enjoy the process of self-transformation to realize their potential in alignment with their dreams.

If you're interested in getting un-stuck from the mental blocks holding you back in school, then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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